Hi there and welcome! Are you..
- installing a pool?
- building a granny flat, carport, garage, deck?
- making additions or alterations to your property?
- designing building plans?
- building over a sewer?
- trying to gain Sydney Water Approval for sewer works?
You may need a Sewer Pegout (Sydney Water Accredited) before proceeding with any of the above.
As a Sydney Water Accredited pegout supplier Aoun Construction Group can provide you with a ‘Sewer Peg Out’ – also known as Sewer Surveys or a Sewer Service Protection Report.
From Only $660 Inc GST
What is a Sewer Pegout?
Your proposed structure may be located OVER or ADJACENT to a Sydney Water sewer main. If you are unaware of the sewer location, unintentional damage may be caused to the sewer main which will result in additional costs and penalties to you. But all this can be avoided!
A Sewer Pegout (also known as ‘sewer surveys‘ or a ‘sewer service protection report‘) may be required to help architects and structural engineers design structures that meet Sydney Water requirements. Should your proposed structure be over or adjacent to a Sydney Water sewer main, you will be required to have your plans stamped and requirements set by a Sydney Water accredited supplier. Aoun Construction Group can also complete the plan stamping process for you.
What is a Peg Out Report?
A sewer peg out report determines the location and environment of the existing Sydney Water asset within or adjacent to your proposed structure. The pegout will help assess if there are any special requirements relating to Sydney Water’s sewerage system. A trained technician attends the property site and locates the sewer main and other sewer structures within the site. A peg out report is prepared showing the information collected including location, depth and size of pipe/structure and the strata in which the pipe is laid.
How long does a Sewer Peg Out take?
Our turnaround time is 2 days. (We can also accommodate emergency same day pegouts in special circumstances, please select Platinum Sewer Pegout when ordering)
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* Fee Applicable to block sizes up to 1,000 m2. Fill out pegout and plan stamping Enquiry Form for a quote on larger blocks.